Thursday, November 18, 2010

"No word, no expression could body forth the kind of relation in which she stood to me--my more than sister, sine till death she was to be mine...

We also see foreshadowing with this quote. Victor is incredibly possessive of Elizabeth, and in the original manuscript, Shelley intended for them to be cousins. She separated the relationship a bit more in the published version, but there is still an unsettling amount of obsession on Victor's part. this also sets up Victor's devotion to Elizabeth, which comes into play later when he frantically rushes home to escape his monster. Even his decision to create & then destroy the female counterpart to his own monster is driven by thoughts of protecting his love at all costs.

The future hint is seen at the last line "till death she was to be mine only." We know that Victor intends to marry Elizabeth, so we must ask ourselves: What could possibly separate the two by death? Whose death? Who will be responsible? The foreshadowing lets us know death will be imminent, but leaves us in suspense.

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