Wednesday, February 23, 2011

I have a 6th grader who is having a hard time with Math . Order of operations is the page for today .Parent that needs HELP !

Order of operations in mathematics is  to decide  which is to be first and which operation takes priority over the other.

We know that the primary  operations of mathematics are addtion, subtraction, multiplication and division and any thing involng these with some symlos like btacket or paranthesis, power or order or exponents etc.

Bracket is denoted by the symbols: (  ) , [   ] , {    }.

Order or Exponent or Power  is denoted by the symbol:  ^

Division is denoted by the symbol: '/,  on paper and / in computer  .

Multiplication is denoted by the symbol: x on paper and * in computer.

Addtion denoted by the synmbol:  +

Subtraction denoted by the symbol:  -

In  mathematical  problems involving all these operations , priority principle is, BODMAS . That is, first priority is  to take up the contents of Bracket and simplify , then go for Order or Exponent, and then the DIvision or Mutiplication, then Addition or Subtractiion.

Some call this mnemonic, BODMAS by the abbreviation ,PEMDAS or PEDMAS, where P stands for Paranthesis or Bracket, and  E for Exponent.But anyway the priority rule is the same.

Division or multiplication are of equal priority.

Addition and subtraction are of equal priority.

Under equal priority level of operations go from left to right,the first come first served principle. Do not choose from the middle.

Practice makes everything easy . Below we give some examples which may help clear confusion. I purposely give such examples where even the math-literates falter, keeping a blind eye over their mistakes.

Example: 10/2*3: First operation: 10/2=5 as divison is a priority. The result is multiplied by 3 . So ,  5*3 =15

10/(2*3): First operation 2*3 =6, as bracket is first operation with higher priority over division. Then 10/6= 1and4/6 =1.6667 nearly.

Example: 5+ 30/10*10 =5+3*10=35.(Mind that this is not equivalent to 5+30/10^2)

Example: 5+30/10^2 = 5+30/100 , the exponent in 10^2 has priority over Division.

Example:200/5*5 =200/5=40. Then 40*5=200

Example 200/5^2=200/25=8.

200/5*5 is not equal to 200/5^2.

Example:( Probably most confusing).

200/10/5: All divisions are of same priority. So go from left to right.200/10=20. Then the result , 20/5 =4. You can't take 10/5 first because , 200/10 comes earlier than 10/5.

Hope this helps.

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