Monday, August 8, 2011

In Buried Onions, what role does trust play in Eddie's relationship with another character?Please explain well because when I read the book I was...

Trust plays an important role in Eddie's relationship with a number of other characters; actually, what is more significant is that there is a lack of trust. Eddie's relationship with Angel is characterized by a complete absence of trust. Although Angel acts like he is on Eddie's side, Eddie knows that Angel lies, and as the story progresses, he becomes more and more convinced that Angel is capable of any evil or betrayal, even towards those he considers his friends. When Mr. Styles's truck is stolen from in front of Eddie's apartment, Eddie suspects it is Angel who is the dark-skinned, skinny boy who nonchalantly drives the truck away. Also, because of rumors and his own growing realization of the depths of Angel's depravity, Eddie becomes convinced that it was Angel himself who killed Eddie's cousin Jesus. Eddie's relationship with Angel begins with suspicion and culminates with complete lack of trust.

Trust, or the lack of it, plays a role in Eddie's relationship with Mr. Stiles as well. When Mr. Stiles first hires Eddie to help out at his house, he trusts him to the point that he allows the boy to take his truck on an errand to the dump. Then the truck is stolen, and the trust is broken. Mr. Stiles thinks at first that Eddie has stolen the truck, and even though Eddie finds the truck and arranges for Mr. Stiles to get his truck back, the trust they had is not fully restored. Mr. Stiles agrees to have Eddie come back to work for him, but sets him up to be arrested on the suspicion that Eddie did steal the truck, and used it in a crime at a nearby laundromat. Trust, once broken, is not easily fixed; Mr. Stiles is not sure about Eddie, and though he seems not to want to, turns Eddie in to the police.

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