If we examine the definition of equal protection it is the prohibiting of states from denying any person within its jurisdiction from the equal protection of the laws. This would mean that states are required to extend the services and sanctuary of the law to all of its citizens. In the same way, God is to provide sanctuary to all those who worship. Just as the state must be applicable to all of its citizens, the force of a higher power is something that is applicable to all followers. This is where equal protection under the laws and under the states finds convergence. While there might be some difference about how this feeling of devotion is expressed, the level to which one displays this, and the zeal in which one holds towards it, the reality is that if one is a follower of God, they are entitled to the equal protection of God's powers. Having said this, I think the first critical point of divergence is that God's powers and the responsibilities of the state/ federal governments can be seen as separate. The issue of allegiance to God is one that is predicated upon spiritual devotion and faith. However, the equal protection clause in the 14th Amendment is quite clear that all citizens must receive equal protection of and from the law regardless of their devotion to the government. One other point should be made that might add a bit more murkiness to the issue. Might there be a difference in religious faiths in their understanding of equal protection and God? Some religions advocate the idea that there is only one God, to whom all allegiance must be paid. Such a premise presumes that equal opportunity and protection rests with this God and this God alone. Other religions stress that the path to God is one where equal protection is ensured as long as a path is followed. Further strands of faith suggest that God is a benevolent life force, and that equal protection is present to all, regardless of choices of worship because of God's universal and all embracing nature. We can complicate this issue even more with religions that believe in more than one God. Equal protection is enhanced in this understanding as there is not one "God," but multiple manifestations and representations. I think that the ability to fully discern the issue of equal protection and God is one that lies in this realm, as well.
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