Sunday, April 8, 2012

Summary of poem ''Thought'' by Sara Teasdale.

The title of this poem is "Thoughts." 

Some people are very happy in the company of others, and enjoy hearing what women and men around them have to say.  But Sara Teasdale is talking about when she is alone and has no men or women around her to listen to.  When we are alone, what do we have to listen to?  Our own thoughts are all we have when we are alone, and this was particularly true in Sara Teasdale'sday. She died in 1933, before there were televisions, computers, iPods, etc. (She could have turned on the radio, though.)  A person who is alone and who has a good imagination can sometimes have a better time than he or she could listening to other people, and this is the gist of Teasdale's poem. 

She describes her thoughts in a beautiful and imaginative way, with images of light and lightness.  She imagines her thoughts as "silver" or "white" and she says they "flutter."  SOme of her thoughts are "merry" and some are "grave," meaning that she has ideas that make her smile, and ideas that make her serious.

Can't you almost see your thoughts sometimes, fluttering around you in their beauty?  Sometimes those thoughts are much better than the silly chatter we hear all around us.  And if that is true, then we can envy the person who is able to sit quietly and think those wonderful thoughts. 

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