Friday, December 21, 2012

What would be the theme for "This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona"?

Any number of themes are possible but one of the stronger themes in this Sherman Alexie story is that of family and tribal identity.

Victor's journey to Arizona to retrieve the remains of his deceased father is a personal journey, a family journey, and also a tribal journey. And because of this journey, he grows to know more about himself, his father, Thomas, and his tribe. Victor was always one to run from his past, to run from those elements in his life that caused him grief or uncomfort. This journey forces him to face many of the very things he has avoided all of his life. It is a coming-of-age story, certainly, but it is much more than that; it is a story of transformation of a self-absorbed individual into a reflective, more conscientious member of a family and a tribe.

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