Monday, June 24, 2013

At the end of chapter 14, Scout wonders why Boo Radley never ran away. What does this statement reveal about her new perceptions of Boo?

In Chapter 14 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Dill arrives after having run away from home because he now has a stepfather.  When Scout asks him why he has run away, he tells her that "they [his parents] just wasn't interested in me."  Either they are gone or when they are home, they sequester themselves in a room by themselves, Dill tells Scout.  To make Dill feel better, Scout tells Dill that she was about ready to run off herself.  Besides, she says,

You don't want 'em around you all the time, ....Dill, you couldn't do anything if they were.

Pondering his words as well as what has occurred with Dill in his home, along with his wish to "get a baby," which the maturing mind of Scout deduces that Dill lacks real love despite the gifts his parents bestow upon Dill. Realizing the similarities in Boo Radley's home where there is no love, either, and neglect of Boo's needs as well, Scout gives voice to her thoughts:  "Why do you reckon Boo Radley's never run off?"  She questions why Boo would not do as Dill as done since their situations are somewhat similar.  But, Dill responds that perhaps Boo has nowhere to go.

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