well he was wrong in the beginning there was gaea (earth) and uranus(sky) they gave birth to the 12 titans ,cyclopses and more........... the titans were oceanus,chronus,rhea,tethys,hyperion,theia,coeus,phobe,chronus,mnesmyne,thems,laeptis, and crius they were huge and perfect in every way
well after they had the cyclopses uranus was disquesded so he locke them in tartaurus (hell)
gaea said to the titans kill ur dad all said no but the yougest (and strongest) chronus gaea says take this (a sythe) and end ur dads cruelty
he killed him
chronus ruled the world his mom said a child of yours will overthrow you
so every time his wife and sister (eww) rhea had a kid he ate him or her
all untill the youngest zeus was born rhea got pissed and hid zeus in a cave to be tended to by naids
wen chronus asked for zeus she gave him a rock in baby clothes he ate it noth thinking twice
wen zeus grew stronger he gave cronus a sick potion and he spit up he siblings
a war between olympians and titans happened olympians won
zeus posiedon hades at the top all other siblings below them and children below them
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