It has been a matter of conjecture that Twelfth Night was one of four plays the performance of which before Queen Elizabeth in the Christmas festivities of 1601-02 is recorded. In John Manningham's Diary, the entry relating to Twelfth Night occurs under the date of February 2, 1602. In any case, the title refers to the festival of Epiphany on January 6, and the atmosphere of fun and festivity associated with its observance. The play has a court fool Feste, singing a number of songs and making wonderfully witty repartees. Besides, there are elements of comic mischief, disguises, reference to 'cakes and ale'.
The play bears a sub-title 'What You Will' which is also in consonance with the theme & atmosphere of the play. Shakespeare was, as it were, allowing his audience absolute liberty to name or assess the play. The occasion and mood of the festivities of Twelfth Night perhaps demanded so.
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