2. FIGURATIVE language is language that expresses more than just its literal definition.
3. A PUN is a play on two or more meanings of a word.
4. A METAPHOR makes a comparison between two things without the words like or as.
5. A SIMILE makes a comparison between two things using the words like or as.
6. IRONY is saying one thing but meaning something else.
7. HYPERBOLE is an intentional exaggeration.
8. PERSONIFICATION is giving human qualities to something that's not human.
9. SATIRE uses witty language to insult or express dissatisfaction by exposing a person's errors.
10. A SYMBOL is one thing or idea that stands for another.
11. JUXTAPOSITION is placing two things or words that are opposite or dissimilar next to each other.
12. A PARADOX is a statement that seems to contract itself and yet make sense.
13. A STATEMENT OF EQUIVALENCE is saying that one thing is equal to another.
14. A PARENTHETICAL ASIDE is a statement that appears as an "aside" within a sentence.
What I know about Thoreau and his influence:
1. In real life, Thoreau lived in the cabin for two years. In Walden, he says he lived there for ONE YEAR .
2. It's necessary to PAY close ATTENTION to Thoreau's writings to get as much as possible out of them.
3. Thoreau spent a night in jail because he did not want to support a government that allowed SLAVERY .
4. The three people whom Thoreau influenced were MOHANDAS GANDHI , DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING JR , and RACHEL CARSON .
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