Sunday, October 3, 2010

I Need some help with the prompt: Sometimes it is difficult to decide between right and wrong in conflict situations.I need three types of...

There are many ways to proceed with this.  I think you can argue several way and the ones I present are by no means to only conflicts that are evident.  My hope is that with my suggestions, the process of thinking and reflecting about what conflicts are present can be started.

Intrapersonal- In Gallipoli, Archy's desire to pursue his running is matched by Australia's entry into the war. There is much to reflect that there is a part of him that wants to war to not happen, and might even not want to be a part of it in serving his native Australia and focus solely on his runinng.  The conflict here is the internal one between desire and duty.  His desire to run and be away from the realm of war and his duty to his country and nationalism.  An interpersonal example of conflict would be the many examples of how the British soldiers treat the Australian soldiers and the resentment that exists between both sets of individual soldiers.

Interpersonal- I think Schindler's List features several examples of this.  Schindler and Stern provide the best example of interpersonal conflict.  At the start of his endeavors, Schindler is committed to making money.  His interactions and actions are predicated on this premise only.  Stern is concerned with asserting and advocating for the rights of the Jewish people, and when this turns out to be something steeped in a sense of fatalism at the growing power of the Nazis, his focus moves to the realm of saving as many Jewish people as possible through the use of Schindler's workforce.  The scene where Schindler confronts Stern in the office where both represent two distinct viewpoints is an excellent demonstration of conflict between two individuals, each side being purely represented by one versus the other.  An intrapersonal example of conflict would be at the end, when Schindler has changed his focus.  The tearful claim, "I could have done more," reflects his internal conflict of wanting to have saved more lives, yet being unable to have done so.  There is a self hate that happens here when he believes he spent so much money, money that could have been spent saving lives.  This internal conflict is brought out at the end.  Another internal conflict can be seen when Schindler watches the liquidation of the Jewish ghetto.  He is visibly moved by what he is witnessing and this begins to prick at him, arousing his sense of conscious, causing internal conflict.

External- The Crucible.  The entire town represents conflict.  Abigail's concocting tale and the division it causes amongst the town as to who is a witch and who is not is evident of externalized conflict on a large scale.  Once the court has been assembled and people start being accused and thrown in jail, conflict is external, with each person against another and the entire down is thrown into the madness of accusation.  There is complete external conflict primarily because no one trusts anyone else.

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