Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Victor warns Robert that acquiring knowledge can lead to destruction and infallible misery.What serious consequences might the acquisition of...

Victor stands as proof of the consequences inherent in knowledge acquisition. He relentlessly pursued information regarding death and the human body, and eventually discovered how to bring life to inanimate matter. While one might think he was seeking immorality, he claims his motives were pure; his stated intention was to help the human race and better society. Yet he created something which he, and everyone else which which it came into contact, loathed and feared, eventually driving it to kill out of frustration, anger, and loneliness. So, in Victor's case, knowledge led to the death of his entire family and closest friend, and ruin of his professional life. This is, of course, an extreme situation, but the general principle holds true in many cases.

You've probably heard the saying "ignorance is bliss." Indeed, sometimes we are much happier knowing nothing, rather than learning devastating news. Imagine the life altering news for children who are raised in cultures that talk of Santa Claus or the Tooth Fairy. It's a shock to the system to learn the actual truth. Or consider another scientific example: the physicists working on the construction of the nuclear weapon, and simultaneously the destruction of the human race. Finally, to use yet another cliche "the more you know, the more you don't know." One might spend his/her entire life building up knowledge, studying every subject possible, and still remain woefully ignorant. Some believe that there are mysteries man was not meant to know, phenomena that cannot be explained. These people believe that to attempt to do so willl only cause heartache and catastrophe.

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