Thursday, December 30, 2010

What is a good thesis statement in support of sex education in public schools?

A thesis statement in a thesis is generally a proposition or statement, which is examined in detail in the thesis, and the truth or otherwise of the statement is ascertained. Therefore, although a thesis statement may support sex education in public school, the conclusion of the completed thesis may not. Here it should be noted that the thseis involves some amount of investigation and research, and the thesis statement is finalized before start of the investigation and research. Thesis statement intended to give a direction to the research rather than indicate results of the research. Therfore the validiy or otherwise of thesis statement cannot be confirmed at the time of formulating it.

Coming to suggesting a specific thesis statement, i suggest the following:

"Sex education in public schools will lead to healthier sex behavior among the students in their later lives."

An alternative thesis statement could be:

"Sex education in public school leads to greater incidence of pre-marital sex."

While writing an essay, rather than a thesis, it will be more appropriate to talk of the subject of the essay. one suggestion on what this could be is:

"Benefits of Sex Education in Public Schools"

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