Caesar's interaction with Antony in this scene is limited, but it is revealing. Caesar views Antony as a friend whom he trusts. Caesar feels free to speak to Antony, for instance, in regard to Cassius. He confides in Antony that he has strong reservations about Cassius:
Let me have men about me that are fat,
Sleek-headed men, and such as sleep o' nights.
Yond Cassius has a lean and hungry look.
He thinks too much, such men are dangerous.
For Caesar to share these feelings with Antony shows that Caesar is not afraid to speak honestly with him. He does not fear what Antony might think of him for feeling unease in relation to Cassius and he does not fear that Antony might repeat his misgivings.
Antony reassures Caesar that Cassius is not dangerous, that he is a "noble Roman." Antony was well meaning, but he was wrong. Caesar was much more correct in his assessment of Cassius' character. He was dangerous indeed, the primary force behind the developing conspiracy to murder Caesar. Caesar tells Antony that he isn't afraid of Cassius, for Caesar is not given to fear, but if he were, there was no man he would avoid more than Cassius.
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