Friday, May 27, 2011

1) What are the merits and demerits of the different methods of training evaluation.2)Explain what is 'preliminary testing'? what are the major...

You have asked two different questions. First question is about training, and the second question is about recruitment. I will answer the first question, which is the main question. It will be best to put up the second question as a separate question.

The different methods of training evaluation can be classified in following four categories on the basis of what is being evaluated.

  1. Evaluation of the training program content and delivery quality.

  2. Evaluation of the extent of learning and acquisition of skills.

  3. Evaluation of the extent of desirable change in behavior of the persons trained.

  4. Evaluation of the impact of training on organizational performance.

Evaluation of training program and content is the most simple method. However it is also the least significant in terms of measuring effectiveness of training. This aspect of training can be measured in terms of both quantity and quality of training programs. Quantity of training involves measurement in terms of quantitative measurements such as number of people trained and number training programs conducted and number of participant-training days. The quality measurement generally consist of handing over a questionnaire to the participants of training programs at the end of each program and obtaining their assessment of various aspects to training program quality. This methods suffers from the defect that participants are really no in a position to judge quality of training program in subjects they do not know fully. Also, it has been observed that generally participants are in good mood when the training programs are drawing to close and tend to rate them higher.

Evaluation of learning and skill development can be measured conveniently if the training program involves some kind of qualifying test or examination at the end. However cost and efforts of conducting exams just for the purpose of evaluation of the program is not justified. Other method involves asking the participants on extent of their learning. This can be done as a part of response to questionnaire at the end of programs. But usually the participants are not in a position to assess this at that time. It is best to survey the participants after some time has elapsed. This method gives some additional useful information on the value of training, but more time and efforts is required to collect such data.

Evaluation of changes is a much more meaningful. however it is most difficult. It poses the problem of ways of ascertaining the extent of change in behavior. In addition, it is not always easy to establish the extent to which change in behavior is consequence of training. This kind of evaluation is best achieved by survey of employee work practices and behavior. Frequently it is worthwhile to undertake this survey before and after training.

Evaluation of training effectiveness in terms of change in improvement of company is most meaningful. Such improvement can frequently be measured as a part of normal performance monitoring of company performance. However, it is very difficult to link the improvement performance to the training.

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