Wednesday, June 6, 2012

In The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, what would you say is Huck's self-image in Chapter 1-3? Do you think it is accurate?

Huck’s assessment of himself in the first three chapters is Twain’s humorous use of an unreliable narrator. Huck is uneducated and is only thirteen; nevertheless, the inadvertent truths that he reveals in his unwitting descriptions are both funny and insightful. For example, the Widow Douglas has been doing her best to “sivilize” Huck, only to drive him further into the conviction that he prefers to be uncivilized. Huck does not pass judgment on Miss Watson, religion, table manners, or other aspects of civilization. However, he assesses them as things he just would rather avoid; the humor frequently comes from Huck deciding that it is he who is defective, although the reader’s conclusion is exactly the opposite.

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