Friday, June 8, 2012

In Things Fall Apart who are the following characters?Nma, Mgbafo, Okagbue Uyanwa, Nwayieke, and Ojiugo

Nma is short for Ezinma, Okonkwo's daughter by his second wife, Ekwefi.  Ekwefi has borne ten children in her lifetime, and all but Ezinma have died in infancy or early childhood.  Ezinma, who is ten years old at the time of the story, enjoys a special relationship with both her mother and her father.  Ekwefi treats her only child more as an equal than as a subordinate, and Ezinma has an unusually close bond with her father as well.  Okonkwo's only regret about Ezinma is that she is not a boy (Chapter 5).

Mgbafo is the wife of Uzowulu.  She has run away from her husband because he beats her, and when Uzowulu demands the return of the bride price he paid for Mgbafo, her family refuses.  Mgbafo is brought to trial before the ruling body of the tribe to settle the dispute (Chapter 10).

Okagbue Uyanwa is a medicine man.  He has "a striking figure, (is) tall, with a full beard and a bald head...he (is) light in complexion and his eyes (are) red and fiery".  Okagbue Uyanwa is consulted by Okonkwo after Ekwefi loses her third child (Chapter 9).

Nwayieke is a woman who lives four compounds away from Okonkwo and his family.  She is "notorious" in the village for "her late cooking"; the noise of her pounding with her mortar and pestle is a familiar sound in the night (Chapter 11).

Ojiugo is Okonkwo's third wife.  She is the youngest, and tends to be irresponsible.  Her absence at dinner at the beginning of the story enrages Okonkwo, and causes her to "beat her very heavily" in violation of the requirements of the Week of Peace (Chapter 4).

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