1. Slam tries out for basketball at Latimer. Though Coach takes him to task for his attitude, he makes the team.
2. Slam hangs out with Mtisha and Ice. Mtisha thinks Ice is hanging out with the "wrong dudes" and asks Slam to talk to him.
3. Coach gets on Slam's case because of his attitude. Slam meets Goldy, who offers wise perspectives on the situation.
4. Slam is called to the office because of his grades. The school wants to send a tutor to work with him.
5. At the first home game against Regis, Slam is held out the first half, then goes in the second half and wins the game.
6. Ice comes by with two girls and a fancy car. Slam goes for a ride with them.
7. Slam begins a school project with Margie, a white girl. They will do a video on Slam's neighborhood.
8. Though he did so well in the game against Regis, Slam still does not start the next game. He meets Goldy at a diner; Goldy explains that Coach thinks Slam is not a team player.
9.Slam fails a math test and fights with teammates.
10. Slam thinks Margie is making his neighborhood look like a "freak show" in the video they are working on.
11. Mtisha begins helping Slam with his math. She challenges him to try his best, even when he rebels.
12. Slam's little brother Derek borrows the school video camera and loses it.
13. Slam and Ice hang out, and come across a man having a heart attack on the street. Ice pays people to call 911 and do CPR. He tells Slam he is not dealing.
14. Slam and Mtisha watch Ice play basketball for Carver. The camera is recovered, and Mtisha seems willing to take her relationship with Slam to the next level.
15. Slam scores above a 700 on the SAT, making him eligible for scholarship consideration.
16. Coach benches Slam again, hassling him about his attitude. Goldy admits Coach is out of line but challenges Slam to show strength of character and do his best anyway.
17. Slam is unfairly humiliated by his English teacher and storms out of class angrily. Goldy talks to him, comparing the pressures of life to those in basketball.
18. Slam plays against Ice in the Latimer/Carver game. Ice is amazing but Slam is better. Latimer wins.
19. Slam goes to a party at Ice's house. He learns Ice really is dealing, and the two fight.
20. Things are going better at school and on the team, but Slam is still devastated by the knowledge that Ice is a drug dealer. Slam understands that life, like basketball, is a constant struggle to "get his game right".