Wednesday, July 4, 2012

In "Lord of the Flies", what dangers will the boys face when the navy returns them to the civilized world?We know they faced many dangers while on...

They will also be returning to a world in the midst of war. They will have to deal with the reality of attacks on their country, while facing the changes the war may have wrought on their family and homeland. The older boys may face a draft within the next few years, and what they experienced on the island may return on the battlefield. Also, they will face a forced return to normal life. For many of them, especially the littluns, this may mean a complete re-education. For example, Percival can no longer remember his name or address. Many children may face the struggles of learning how to write again, or simply remembering who they are.

Finally, some of the boys may be permanently scarred by what they experienced or helped happen on the island. Jack may be saved by therapy and guidance, but where would a boy like Roger fit in? He already exhibited violent tendencies, and he has now participated in 2 deaths, not to mention the brutal killing of the pig. While adults may never find out about these events, it would be difficult for Roger to lead a normal life after having shown sociopathic behavior. Most of these boys face a danger of never returning to their old selves. They will be haunted by what took place on the island long after they leave.

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