Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Compare and contrast the "Hollywood" creature to Mary Shelley's creature.Physical appearance, abilities, actions, etc.

The "Hollywood" creature, as it is most stereotypically portrayed, is a sort-of zombie like creature with large feet, a flat head and bolts in his neck to indicate that he was "put" together by Victor Frankenstein.  He is often portrayed as being able only to make moaning noises and walk slowly with his large arms outstretched.

In the actual novel, Frankenstein's monster is of huge proportions and he was assembled from various parts of cadavers that his creator collected and sewed together.  He is portrayed as huge and ugly, which leads to his withdrawal from society and his ultimate misery.  However, the similarities, for the most part, end there.  Frankenstein's monster, through his observations of the natural world as well as his "interactions" with the DeLacey family, is initially a very gentle creature trying to figure out his place in the world that he had been thrust into without any sort of help from his "father."  Becuase of his ugliness, he is rejected again and again.  On one occasion, he is even scorned after selflessly saving a young woman from drowning.  This superficial view of the monster is based solely on his appearance and has nothing to do with the gently creature that exists underneath his rough exterior.

So, the monster is slowly turned against man and society and seeks revenge upon his "father" who created him only to desert him and leave him to fend for himself without any sort of guidance or explanation.  He is very, however, very human and civilized mentally.  It is the fault of Victor Frankenstein's unnatural desire to play God and an unfriendly society that the monster is jaded and becomes a dangerous figure in the novel.

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