Any of the proponents of the dozen or so major modern theories of Evolution, such as Synthetic theory or the Punctuated Equilibrium theory, a traditional Sioux medicine man or woman, a rabbi, a Brahmin and an Ashanti witch doctor would all give different answers to your question. Although evolutionary theory is believed by a great many people it is far from the only current theory, and there are many variations of evolutionary theory, some quite antagonistic to one another.
Traditional Hindus still believe in their version, traditional Christians may believe the Biblical account or evolution or some combination of the two, etc. Some Native Americans still believe their ethnic stories, some don't, and the same is true of peoples all over the world. These ideas, a variety of evolutionary approaches, Intelligent Design, "Creation Science," etc., are all believed by great numbers of people. The structural problem is that no one alive during historic times, which is to say since humans began keeping written records, was alive at the time, so we really just don't know for sure.
The links below lead to a site on Synthetic Theory of Evolution (with links to the history of evolutionary theories) and to a site on three major current world views on this question, including evolution, the Bible account and a synthesis of the two. Another link will lead to a site where you can find information about more information on different views of this issue, by various religious, ethnic and scientific sources.
Many people who have a specific belief on this question will claim that everyone who disagrees with them is wrong, as well as stupid, ignorant or headed for Hell. Just remember, none of them really knows positively. Do your own research, use your own brain, draw your own conclusions, and you will probably be as "right" as anyone else.
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