Sunday, March 17, 2013

How is satire evident in The Importance of Being Earnest?

It is mostly evident in the manner in which every Victorian "polite society" value and members of such highly-idolized group are mocked by being portrayed at their most exhuberant, excessive, mindless, and unintelligent.

The topic of marriage is mocked by the money-hungry ways Lady Bracknell, and the midnless dreams of Gwendolyn and Cecily.

Money is mocked through Algy's extravagance and lack of funds, hence, putting him as a person who lives way above his means.

Truth, honesty,civility and sincerity are mocked all over the play in the two-timing characters of Jack and Algy.

In all, Earnest tells us from the title to the end that this play is indeed a satire.

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