Thursday, November 21, 2013

Can anyone rephrase this assignment so that I can better understand it?Write a 3-5 page critical analysis paper focusing on cultural stereotypes in...

"You will choose a cultural group" seems to imply that you must write on only one group (a=one).  So, perhaps you may wish to examine how the media in America has portrayed one group at different times in history.  For example, Russians were depicted as brutish and backward in culture.  When the Hotel de Paris opened in Monte Carlo at the turn of the 20th century, the Czar rode his horse into the hotel!  Then, during the Cold War,the Russians were stereotyped as the babushka-wearing heavy women who seem simple and ignorant and the men cride, heavy vodka drinkers.  This image has been shattered in recent times by the beautiful models who have come from Russia as well as some of the professional tennis players. 

Also, anyone who has lived during this time period remembers the crude Nikita Khrushev who took off his shoe and pounded it upon the table at which he sat at a conference during the era of John F. Kennedy.  Nowadays, the Russians are typed as the brutal crime organization that is in the Easter part of the U.S.  These images have been preserved in political cartoons throughout the years.  If you search for political cartoons, you will easily find the stereotypeds that you seek.  Many of these can be found in the archives of large city newspapers and news magazines such as Time and Newsweek. Also, during the Cold War, movies were made about the communists, and recently there have been movies involving the Russian mafia in the plot.

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