Tuesday, December 10, 2013

What does the executive branch do?

I believe this question relates to the division of functions of governments.

The answer posted above gives a fairly good coverage of the executive branch of the government of USA. However, I think it will be useful to elaborate on some of the points.

First, divisions of government in legislative, executive, and judicial branch is common in many democratic countries of the world. Though the exact organization structure and procedures adopted for performing these functions may differ from country to country, the basic function remain quite similar.

Second, the division of government in the three branches is not limited to the elected representative, but it covers the entire machinery of the government included regular government employees.

Third, implementing the laws is just one of the functions of the executive branch. Though, the executive branch, has to work within the frame work of law of the land, it will not be quite correct to describe that as its sole or even main function. The core function of the executive branch is to preform all the function required to safeguard common interest of the company. For example, providing civic services is one of the many services performed by government agencies in most of the countries. It will not be appropriate to to describe this as work of implementing law.

Fourth, though many people in government perform only executive functions, there are others, particularly the elected representatives that perform a combination of legislative, executive and judicial functions. For example the President in USA is not only the head of executive branch but also of the other two branches of government.

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