Saturday, December 21, 2013

Who is most affected by abortion?

Abortion is the termination of an unwanted pregnancy and this issue has got so many facets; medical, psychological, social and physiological. It is a wise precaution to adopt proper contraceptive rather than settle for this option. But when abortion is the decision taken one has to go for it in the early stages of pregnancy to avoid complications. The most affected is the mother. She has to face the trauma of snuffing out a life, bear the after effects of the abortion which could even leave her sterile. The future pregnancies are at risk due to any damages to the reproductive system during the abortion. The abortion has to be performed by an experienced doctor to avoid complications. The after effects like excessive bleeding, pain, physiological changes, hormonal disturbances are curable with proper medical care. But the impact on the mind and psychology needs a lot of care.The woman has to undergo sustained psychiatric counselling to ease out the depression, guiltand behavioural problems due to abortion. The changes in the approach to future relationships with males, sexual life and the disinterest in the next pregnancy are some of the various issues likely to affect the woman. The teenagers face a greater emotional challenge as it can change their approach to marraige. The emotional and moral support from the closer circle of family and friends will help a great deal in this critical period. The exact effects can vary a lot from person to person depending on many factors like age, race, maturity, family/ male support, abortion stage ( in which month of pregnancy), psychological profile and the medical aspects.

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