Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Can someone help me with connecting "The Scarlet Letter" to Bible verses from Old and New Testaments?

You don't specify whether you need Bible verses that actually appear in the novel, or whether you need Bible verses that are applicable to the novel. I am going to assume the latter, as it seems to make more sense.

If you think about the themes and motifs in this novel, you will be able to find verses in both the Old and New Testament that relate to it. For example, there is the issue of adultery, at the center of the novel. If you do an on-line search for "adultery" + "Bible verses" you will come up with many. For example, from the Old Testament:

(Exodus 20:14) 14 “You shall not commit adultery.

And, from the New Testament:

(Matthew 5:27) “You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall not commit adultery;’

Now, think about some other ideas that are brought out in this novel. If you look them up as well, you will find verses that relate to these themes/ideas in both the Old and New Testaments. Below is a helpful link that arranges the verses by topic. Some that you might check out, that apply to this novel are: vengeance, forgiveness, healing, love, hate, evil and especially sin.

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