Tom is a rather domineering character who is set on having his own way about things. Tom is espcially excited for the opportunity to live out some adventure fantasies that he has, through the situation of Jim being a prisoner, and needing to escape. So, Tom comes up with a bunch of nonsensical and illogical ways to make Jim's imprisonment and escape more difficult and challenging, which, to Tom, makes it more exciting. At the beginning of chapter 34, Huck tells Tom that busting Jim out will be super easy, and lays out his plan for Tom. Tom rejects his idea immediately, giving all of the reasons why it wouldn't work. Huck's response is this:
"I never said nothing, because I warn't expecting nothing different; but I knowed mighty well that whenever he got his plan read it wouldn't have nonoe of them objections to it."
Here we see Huck being overpowered by Tom and his ideas, and just going along with it. Later, they have another disagreement about whether helping Jim is right or not, and Tom wins the argument. Huck says,
"It warn't no use to say any more; because when he said he'd do a thing, he always done it."
Over and over through these chapters, we see Huck's opinion being overpowered and mocked by Tom as being too easy, simple, and uneducated. And, Huck just goes along with it, to his and Jim's detriment, I might add, as Tom keeps Jim a prisoner far too long just to enact some schemes and adventures. Tom is definitely the ringleader in these chapters, and Huck just goes with the flow.
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