Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Can "Twelfth Night" be considered a festive comedy?

The festival of the Epiphany on the twelfth day from Christmas was observed with numerous ceremonies which included performance of plays at Court. Shakespeare's play Twelfth  Night was also presumably written for performance on Twelfth Night. It was one of four plays the performance of which before Queen Elizabeth in the Christmas season of 1601-02 is recorded.

Twelfth Night may be called a festive comedy primarily because of the occasion of its composition. In act2 sc.3, Sir Toby tells Olivia's steward, Malvolio, rather sarcastically, 'Dost thou think, because thou art virtuous, there shall be no cakes and ale?' This reference to 'cakes and ale' also relates the play to the festive occasion of Twelfth Night.

Olivia's 'allowed fool', Feste, bears a name that relates to the spirit of festivity & he proves himself to be one of the major sources of fun and mirth in the play. All the four songs are sung by him at different points of the play's action. In fact Feste's songs and Duke Orsino's love for music contribute to the festive character of the play in big way.

The play also accommodates such elements as mischief-making, witty repartees, gulling, disguise, adventures and exchanges of love and romance which build up an atmosphere of great fun and enjoyment.

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