Wednesday, July 23, 2014

What are the likes and dislikes of William Wordsworth?


Wordsworth (1770-1850) was born in the Lake District in Grassmere, England; both his parents died when he was still young. According to his autobiographical poem "The Prelude", Wordsworth loved nature, which became for him a kind of mother.

Wordsworth was also was an avid walker, and he traveled to many places such as the Wye Valley in southern Wales where he took extremely long walks receiving inspiration for such poems as "Tintern Abbey" and "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud."

William was educated at grammar school, but he tells us in "The Prelude" that there was much loneliness in his childhood. So, he did not like childhood, nor his earlier education years. Many researchers suggest that Wordsworth was obsessed with himself, but this obsession is part of the Romantic Period.

Wordsworth’s later life was tranquil. He loved family life very much; Wordsworth married in 1802 and had four sons, thereafter, his career followed a quieter track to fame. In later years, as he travelled less and less and wrote more at home, he received many accolades, for example, poet laureate, which he felt honored to receive.

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