As soon as Victor recovers from his long malaise, Henry gives him a letter from his cousin Elizabeth (Chapter 6).
Henry had come to Ingolstadt to study Oriental languages the previous autumn. His arrival had coincided with Victor's success in creating the monster, an accomplishment which completely unnerved the scientist. Soon after Victor and Henry are reunited, Victor becomes very sick with an illness brought about by his mental condition. For the entire winter, Victor is possessed by this "nervous fever...and...nothing but the unbounded and unremitting attentions of (his) friend could have restored (him) to life". During his illness, Victor is largely insensible, and Henry cares for him devotedly, while sending correspondences to his family back home, telling them of Victor's condition, but reassuring them (overoptimistically) that he is recovering nicely.
Finally, in the spring, Victor recovers, becoming once again "capable of observing outward objects with any kind of pleasure". As soon as he is better, Henry urges him to write to his family "in (his) own handwriting", and gives him a letter "that has been lying (there) some days for (him)...from his cousin" (Chapter 5).
In her letter, Elizabeth expresses concern for Victor's health, and gives him news about everyone at home. She spends a good deal of time telling him about Justine Moritz, the daughter of a local widow who has come to live in the Frankenstein household. Justine will play a significant role in the story as it unfolds from this point (Chapter 6).
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