Saturday, September 20, 2014

What is the period of Jacobean to Restoration age? Who were the writers of this period and their literary works?

Jacobean to Restoration Age /(1603-1700) /The longest period nearly hundred years in the  history of England.This period is divided into following 3 historical periods.

1. The Jacobean Age.(1603-1625).In this period after Queen Elizabeth ,James 1 ascended the throne.

2. The Caroline Age or The Age of Charles 1(1625-1649)

3. The Interim period of Commonwealth (1649-1660) :

    Commonwealth Period extended from the end of the Civil War and the excursion Charles I in 1649 to the restoration of the Stuart monarchy under Charles II in 1600. Dramas disappeared for almost eighteen years after the puritans closed the public theaters in September 1642, not only on moral and religious grounds, but also to prevent public gatherings and assemblies that might create civil disorder. It was the age of Milton's political pamphlets, of Hobbes's political treatise Leviathan (1651) of the prose writers like Sir Thomas Browne, Abraham Cowley and Andrew Marwell.

4.The period of Restoration of Charles 2.(1660-1685)

5. James 2 (1685-1688).

6..The Socio-Cultural Aftermath of the Restoration (upto 1700)

 After the glorious and glamorous period of Queen Elizabeth,the reign of James ! showed a sharp decline in every field of national life.The spirit of Renaissance,the craze for learning,the spirit for daring voyages for the discovery of new lands,and the solidarity of England which had all touched the high water mark during the Elizabethan Age started declining like spent up forces.Several kinds of dissipating forces,specially in the domain of religion,had started emerging and weakening the nation.

Major authors and poets of this period are John Donne,John Milton,John Dryden,Samuel Butler,

Caroline poets-Andrew Marwell,Richard Lovelace,Sir John Suckling,Francis Quaries,Thomas Carew,Robert Herrick.

 The restoration period marked an influx of theater where William Wycherley and George Etherege developed a genre of Comedy of manners. The Country Wife, William Wycherley's  play centered around the nuances of bawdy language and semi-aristocratic flavor that delivered the eccentricities of characters with their names suggesting their counter characters, thus the play is allegorical with a completeness of its own. The Augustus age novelist and journalist Daniel Defoe and Lady Mary Wortley wrote poems of wit, candor and conviction.

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