In spite of his 'vaulting ambition', Macbeth was in a doubtful, self-divided state when the witches first met him on the heath & made their proclamations in act1 sc.3. But ever since the murder of Duncan, as Macbeth usurps the kingship of Scotland, he suffers from fears--both imaginary & real--and unleashes a reign of terror to subdue & silence all opponents. In the scene of his coronation banquet in act3 sc.4, Banquo's ghost appears to terrify and expose Macbeth. It is in this scene that he decides to meet the witches to know more about his future, thus becoming a willing prey to the hunting evil.
The witches show Macbeth three apparitions which equivocate to his ultimate undoing. They inject in him a false sense of security & confidence to misguide his terrorised self to death & destruction. The First Apparition, 'an armed head' warns him of Macduff whose loyalty is already highly suspect to Macbeth. The Second Apparition, 'a bloody child', offers him a deceptive advice along with a dubious prophecy couched in paradoxical language:
" Be bloody, bold and resolute; laugh to scorn
The power of man, for none of woman born
Shall harm Macbeth".
Without caring to look into the prophecy, Macbeth finds this message very satisfying as a verdict of his safety, if not immortality. The Third Apparition, 'a Child crowned', further asks Macbeth to be cruel, proud and absolutely careless:
" Macbeth shall never vanquish'd be until
Great Birnam wood to high Dunsinane hill
Shall come against him".
Macbeth again fails to see through the language trap of the witches and their queen.
Mistakenly believing himself all safe and powerful, Macbeth now goes down to defeat and death, deserted by all including Lady Macbeth, virtually confined to the Dunsinane castle & waiting for the nemesis through a tragic realisation of the futility and deception of human ambition & desires.
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