Wednesday, October 29, 2014

I need some help with research topics on banking and finance.I need as many topics as possible

I think what you need here is a thesis statement for your research, because bank and finance can be the major topic. To determine a thesis statement you must answer these two basic questions:

(1) What do you know/have know?

(2) What you want to know more?

Then, you can start narrow down what you want to set up as a thesis for your research. Looking journal in the field is a good start to find interesting research topic. At the conclusion of some journal article, the author mentioned the limitation of their study and what they hope can be done if they have more money or time. They sometimes also mentioned what they suggested others who have the same interest to do on expanding/improving their research.

All the suggestion posted before mine is excellent suggestions. I can add more on those suggestions:

1) How banking products of investment differ from products of investment of others financial institutions?

2) Analyzing 3 - 5 years financial reports of a bank published on the web, or probably you may compare the financial reports of two bank in one year. Comparing the performance of the bank over the year or comparing in between bank.

3) Describing how Islamic bank system can be distinguished from common commercial bank system is also a unique thesis. You may focus on the term of investment these bank use.

Good luck with your research.

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