Monday, January 26, 2015

In "Fahrenheit 451" what is Faber's attitude toward books and writers?I have to either defend him or challenge his thinking and explain. Could you...

I will leave the defending or challenging up to you; only you can know your opinion on the issue.  But I can help you to more clearly understand Faber's stance.  Faber believes that books and writiers were the key to a happy, thinking, real society that was filled with people who actually cared about life, had opinions on issues, and had depth to their souls.  He says that books actually had three main results or purposes. The first is quality, the second is leisure, and the third is the ability to act on what you learned from the first two.To elaborate, quality means that a book has "texture...pores...features...[it] can go under the microscope" and show life's many different angles and meanings.  It has meaning, depth, profundity, and thought-provoking ideas.  It is rich in information, concepts, ideals, and ponderous messages.  And when one ponders all that a book has to offer, one is really pondering all that life has to offer, and you are able to sort out what is truly meaningful, and what makes happiness possible.  For leisure, it simply means that with a book, you have the "time to think" about the messages in a book.  With other types of media, it is very difficult to think, because it is so overwhelming.  A movie has lights, sights, sounds, music, everything, and it is so overwhelming it doesn't allow for thought. The movie does the thinking for you.  It conveys the arguments it wants to convey and leaves you unable to argue.  With a book, you can put it down, process the information, put your own spin on it, reject it or accept it.  Then the third reason is that once you have the ideas, have had the leisure to ponder them, books prompt action.  You are motivated to change the world, or the things around you.

Those are the reasons that Faber says books are valuable; to decide whether you agree, try to think about whether books do that for you or not.  If they do, then defend Faber's position.  If you don't think that they are that great, challenge him, and present other things in life that do the same thing as books, but in a more effective way.  I hope this helps a bit; good luck!

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