Wednesday, January 28, 2015

In Act III, scene 5 of "Romeo and Juliet", how does Juliet react to Nurse's advice?

Juliet is overwrought and frustrated.  She has trusted the nurse with her secret love of Romeo and even her secret marriage. But, now her trusted companion is encouraging her to commit a grave sin by marrying Paris even though she is married to Romeo.

She feels that the nurse is two-faced and untrustworthy.  So, she leaves to go to Friar Lawrence to make "confession" for making her parents so mad.  But, Juliet is likely to do something rash simply because she is so upset, has not slept, and has lost the trust in her most trusted advisor.

Juliet simply cannot believe that the nurse would agree to her marrying Paris. I think Juliet expected the nurse to tell her parents that she was already married, but then, that would put the nurse's position with the family in jeopardy since she was supposed to be watching out for Juliet.

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