I think you probably need to define your question. How do we define a "great team"? If being a great team is that they fulfill their comic purpose within the play by their inability to act, then, yes, they probably do! If however you define a great team to be a team that works well together to produce a stellar performance of "Pyramus and Thisbe", then perhaps not.
Whatever you define "great team" as you can but agree that they do do their best in the production, and perhaps we can only agree with Theseus when he justifies his choice of play to Philostrate by saying:
I will hear that play.
For never any thing can be amiss,
When simpleness and duty tender it.
Go bring them in, and that your places, Ladies.
It is the thought that counts, rather than the actual level of ability.
Examining the dynamics of the players, however, does suggest that (apart from their dramatic ability) they do function rather well as a group, which is largely thanks to the role of Peter Quince in managing a very disparate group of players. From the first time we meet the players in Act I Scene 2, we see what a job he has to keep all the players in check - he has to flatter Bottom whilst at the same time keeping him in check and from taking all the parts ("You can play no part but Pyramus, for Pyramus is a sweet-fac'd man, a proper man as one shall see in a summer's day; a most lovely gentleman-like man, therefore you must needs play Pyramus.") At the same time, he has to work with the other players and make sure people like Snug get a part that they can act out without having to learn a script, and convince Flute that he will act out Thisby.
In addition to all of this, he has to cope with frequent interruptions from Bottom, which almost seem to be challenging his leadership. We see this particularly in Act III Scene 1 when if Quince suggests something, Bottom immediately contradicts it:
Well, we will have such a prologue, and it will be written in eight and six.
No, make it two more, let it be written in eight and eight.
Given these challenges, we cannot but admire the skill and diplomacy of Quince to produce any play at all.
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