Lennie reacts poorly to his surroundings for many different reasons. To begin with, Lennie is mentally disabled. They never specify what has happened to him or if he has always been this way, but Lennie has the mental capacity of a small child, maybe around 7 or 8 years old.
Part of the reason Lennie reacts poorly to the surroundings is that George has frightened Lennie into being submissive, or very quiet, about his personality. In this time period, society was not welcoming to people who were handicapped. They were locked away in institutions and typically abused. George threatens Lennie that if he messes up, they will be separated.
Also, Lennie is much like a small child caught around adults who are fighting. He has no clue what is going on around him, but he wants to help or hide. In short, he is being yelled at and harassed and he does not understand motivations or the meanings behind the actions of those around him.
I hope this helps!
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