Wednesday, October 28, 2015

In dynamic interpersonal aspects of communication interactive way of communication is considered to be more relevant and appropriate. Elucidate.

I am resisting the temptation to edit the question to make it more meaningful. I think it would be more enlightening to leave the question as it is, and examine some of its implication.

To begin with please note that all communication are always interpersonal communication. For any communication to take place there must be at least two persons participating in the process. This makes all communication interpersonal.

Secondly, all communications are dynamic. This is what makes a communication so difficult. Processes involved in formulating a message to be communicated, and receiving and interpreting the messages received is very quick and complex. This speed and complexity makes all communication a very dynamic process.

Further relevance of communication refers to the subject matter of the communication irrespective of the communication process. The subject matter in a specific communication can be relevant or irrelevant irrespective of the effectiveness or ineffectiveness of the communication process used. When the situation demands that information be provided on performance of a person, but the concerned person only talks about his capabilities rather than results produced, then he is talking about irrelevant things irrespective of how impressive his talk is.

The essential characteristics of an effective communication process is that the what is intended to be communicated by one party is received and understood completely and correctly by the other party. One of the ways of improving this kind of understanding is to pay attention to talking as well as listening.

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