A bit more about each of the 4 main stages of the cell cycle
Mitosis can be further divided into
- Prophase - Chromosomes become visible, spindle fibers form, nuclear envelope dissolves
- Metaphase - Chromosomes line up in the middle of the cell.
- Anaphase - Chromosome pairs seperate to different sides of the cell by the spindle fibers.
- Telophase - New nuclei are formed around each grouping of Chromosomes
- Cytokinesis - The cytoplasm is split in two, forming two new cells.
G1 - period of growth and activity. Also, the time where the cell performs its function (ex. liver cells producing insulin)
S - synthesis - stage where DNA replication occurs
G2 - continued growth, building of spidle fibers and centrioles, both structures needed for Mitosis phase.
Hope this fills out your question a bit!
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