A major example of foreshadowing in the book occurs in chapter 5 at the meeting where the boys vote to determine whether or not they believe there is a beast on the island. The boys are arguing about whether or not the beast might exist. The little boys are sure there is a beast and claim to have seen one. Some of the boys think the beast lives in the water. The older boys are hesitant to believe in a beast. Ralph claims there is no such thing, though secretly he fears there might be a beast. Piggy says there is no such thing as a beast; he knows it's illogical. Simon is hesitant to declare what he thinks largely because he doesn't quite know how to articulate what he's thinking. He asks, "What's the dirtiest thing there is?" He's referring to the evil inside of each of them. This foreshadows what Simon will come to be able to articulate later when he has his conversation with the Lord of the Flies in chapter 8. Another example of foreshadowing in this same scene is when Piggy tells Ralph that he's afraid of Jack. He says that Jack hates him and that Jack hates Ralph, too, but Jack has some respect for Ralph. However, Piggy goes on to say, if Ralph were out of the way, Jack would hurt him (Piggy). This foreshadows Piggy's death in chapter 11 when Ralph has become so ineffectual that he is essentially out of the way.
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