Saturday, March 5, 2016

In what way is Watson a character foil for Sherlock Holmes? Technically speaking, does he have any other role or function?

Watson, as a character, allows the deductive genius of Holmes to shine through. By asking questions that are seemingly obvious to the master detective, Watson acts much like Holmes's personal promoter, allowing him to display his logic and reason exponentially.

Watson's personality, being quirky, occasionally nervous, and perhaps a little dim-witted in comparison to his contemporary, is in direct contrast to the dry, extremely precise characterization of Holmes. In many ways, the men are opposites, which may lead one to believe that Watson is indeed the foil of Holmes. Yet, if we examine closer, we see that Holmes as a protagonist would be utterly lifeless were it not for the dialogue and opportunity provided by Watson. If anything, the men serve as co-protagonists in the stories, with Watson serving as narrator and assistant to the great detective.

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