"For he suddenly smote on the door, even Louder, and lifted his head:— ‘Tell them I came, and no one answered, That I kept my word,’ he said. Never the least stir made the listeners, Though every word he spake Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house" (de la Mare)
The above passage from the poem suggests that the theme of the poem is loss. The traveler has returned to a house that is familiar to him, only to find that the inhabitants are gone. He has returned to this house becuase of a promise that he made to the inyabitants of the house. There is also a suggestion in the poem that there are people in the house who are listening to his pounding on the door but refuse to answer it, but it could be because there is no one left inside to answer the door. The traveler might be the last surviving member of the family who once lived in the house.
"Evidently to keep some promise, perhaps to those who are no longer alive, since he is “the one man left awake” (line 32). Something, though, has caused him to come to this lonely and isolated place in the middle of the night and compelled him to cry out repeatedly to a deserted house, without entering to see for himself who or what might be there."
"Never the least stir made the listeners, Though every word he spake Fell echoing through the shadowiness of the still house From the one man left awake:" (de la Mare)
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