Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What are the scenes where you can see obviously Jack's characterization/features?

In chapter 1, when we first meet Jack, we can see that he likes to be in charge and he likes to exert his authority as he makes the choir boys wear their long, dark robes and hats and march to the beach despite the heat.  He is head chorister and he uses that position to make the boys do what he wants.  At the end of the chapter, when he hesitates and does not kill the pig, he says, "Next time..." and this shows us that he is ashamed of his humanity in the hesitation to kill.  At the start of chapter 2, Jack breaks in on what Ralph is trying to say at their first official meeting and declares that an army of hunters is needed.  This is typical of Jack, asserting his ideas and being insistent with those ideas.  Almost every scene Jack is in shows us aspects of his personality, especially the negative aspects.  A bit later, in that same meeting at the beginning of chapter 2, Jack excitedly declares they need to have rules and it is clear that he is more interested in what will happen to the rule-breakers than he is in the rules themselves.  His violent, dictatorial nature is evident from the very start of the novel.  At the beginning of chapter 3, we have a vivid description of Jack as he goes through the hunting process.  His savage nature is evident in his hunting method.  In the middle of chapter 3, an argument occurs between Ralph and Jack that shows the developing animosity between these two which continues to grow throughout the story.  In chapter 4, when Jack paints his face and realizes that it creates the perfect mask for him to hide any civility he does not want to emerge, we see that he has become a savage.  Again, almost every time he appears, more of his personality is shaped.

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