Thursday, February 16, 2012

What is white revolution?please can you give me answer in detail like when it happen for what reason did it happen.

One can tell by the previous answers that there is a question as to which White Revolution is referred to by this question.  Since the Iranian White Revolution is expanded upon nicely by the most recent answer, let me take the Indian White Revolution a bit further for you.

The Indian revolution in the title is "white" because of one important, nutrient-rich product:  milk.  In the mid 20th century, India increased its milk production.  It originated with Dr. Verghese Kurian at Anand in Gujarat State (otherwise known as "Amul") of District Co-operative Milk Producers Union.  Further, "Operation Flood" was set forth in 1970 due to the request of the National Dairy Development Board.  This was important in that it made India the largest producer of milk in the entire world, even surpassing the United States!  As a result, dairy farming increased employment in India by leaps and bounds!

What is interesting is it's not just milk that increased in production, but many agricultural commodities.  Therefore the term "Green Revolution" in India is actually more common. 

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