Friday, March 30, 2012

As well as FEAR being a major cause of conflict in "The Crucible", what other factors could cause conflict?

Several other important factors were at the center of the conflict in "The Crucible." First of all, GREED played an important part, especially in the actions between Thomas Putnam. Giles Corey, an ultimate victim of the witchcraft hyteria, accused Putnam of taking advantage of those accused of witchcraft by trying to obtain their land. In addition, the THIRST FOR POWER played an important part in the trials. As the trials progress, Abigail and the other girls see their power to disrupt  and change lives simply by accusation. In addition, Judge Danforth seems more concerned with the reputation of the court rather than finding the truth. When Proctor finally admits under duress that he was in league with the devil, Danforth insists Proctor sign a paper admitting his guilt that will be displayed in public. His insistence at further demeaning Proctor in order to show the power and righteousness of the court costs Proctor his life. Finally, simply NAIVETE  brings many people down. Rebecca Nurse, who naively believes that the truth will come out on its own once the girls tire of their games, is brought down by the girls accusations. Giles Corey innocently mentions his wife likes to read books and both husband and wife eventually fall victim to the witchcraft hysteria. All of these factors mixed together to cause the major conflicts in the play.

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