Monday, March 5, 2012

Who are all the people Hannah Baker blames for her death and why were they blamed?

The thirteen people she names in the tapes are all people who she felt betrayed her.

1. Justin: 1st kiss... snowball effect

2. Alex: listed Hannah in the "who's hot and who's not list"

3. Jessica: her 1st friend, but later betrays her

4. Tyler:  a boy who stalked her and took pictures of her

5. Courtney: a classmates that "uses" Hannah

6. Marcus: Valentine's date went bad at Rosies

7. Zach: A student Hannah thinks is hitting on her. He was at Rosies during the Valentine's day incident.

8. Ryan: printed Hannah's private poem without permission

9. Clay Jensen. (She says he doesn't belong on her list.)

10. Justin Foley: 1st kiss... 1st reason...

11. Jenny Kurtz: A cheerleader that killed a senior citizen after a party

12. Bryce Walker: A classmate that was at the party. He was vulgar to Hannah.

13. Mr. Porter: He was her counselor. She mentioned suicide and he did nothing to stop her.

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