Sunday, March 11, 2012

Can you see in our world a similiar religious tendency as we see in BNW?

The parody of religious worship, particuarly of the Catholic/ Christian Church in Chapter 5, presents a picture of religion gone wrong.  There are 12 (Apostles?) members of their society at this Solidarity Service (Mass).  They begin with the sign of the T (Cross).  They place Soma tablets on the table, just as the Catholic Church places the bread on the table.  They pass a "loving cup" of strawberry soma (Wine/Blood) around the table and drink, reminiscent of The Last Supper.  Then they sing hymns --- 12 stanzas again.  Of course it's total silliness, as is much of what goes on in this world.

Do I see this in our present religions?  I do not.  However, I see the tendency toward excess and hedonism in our culture.  Many of our religions attempt to "fight" this culture by emphasizing values and activites that are not hedonism related.  This is not to say that some religions may not be involved in practices that resemble those in the book, just that I am not aware of them and mainstream religions do not seem to be following the path of BNW.

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