Tuesday, May 15, 2012

What are some questions that you could ask the character of Macbeth?For example, why he did something, or the way he felt about something. Those...

This is a fascinating assignment.  I would pose the following questions and exploring Macbeth's answers would truly be interesting:

1)  What was it like to kill someone?  What went through your mind when you engaged in the act of murder?

2)  Do you believe that moral responsibility and legal responsibility are one in the same or different?

3)  Did you feel you were in control of your actions or did you feel that you were led by other forces?  If so, what were those forces?

3 A)  If applicable, do you feel you were morally responsible for your actions?  Do you accept responsibility?

3 B)  If applicable, Do you believe in God?  What does this vision look like to you?

4)  Do you feel that power is inherently evil?  Do you feel that there is a way for individuals to not become overwhelmed with the trappings of power?

5)  Does "might make right"?  Explain your answer.

6)  Which modern day politicians or leaders remind you of you in both your good qualities and not so good qualities?

7)  In your mind, explain what modern day entities constitute elements that are " full of sound and fury, yet signifying nothing"?

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