Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Who was Niccolo Machiavelli? Why was he so important?

Niccolo Machiavelli was an italian statesman, who is best known for his book "The Prince". He lived towards the end of fifteenth century and begining of sixteenth century.

In "The Prince" put down his ideas about how rulers and princes may gain and retain power to keep down their adversaries and rule over their subjects. Most of the advice his advice related to good administration and management of public opinions and satisfaction under different situations.

In general, he did not gave prominence to deception and manipulation in methods recommended by him, at the same time, he did not rule out use of such tactics when required. Unfortunately, the manipulation and deception part of his methods has drawn maximum attention of people. As a result, his name has come to be associated with manipulative and deceitful behavior for personal benefits. The word machiavellian is commonly used English language to describe such behavior.

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