Sunday, May 6, 2012

What happens when you have low thyroid levels?Lots of tests being done only low thyroid levels found so far. Symptoms: fatigue constant, bones ache...

You seem to have answered your own question. You are suffering from this condition, so your knowledge about this is expected to be better than that of an average layman.

I am not a medical practitioner, and not qualified to speak professionally on this subject. I am giving my response here just by way of exchanging notes between two patients - I ones suspected that I have such problem and had obtained medical advice on the same.

Thyroid gland, present in the region of our throat, produces and releases in our blood a hormone called T3, this gets converted in another hormone called T4. The body also produces another hormone called TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone). TSH acts on hormone and impacts the level of T4 inthe blood indirectly. The T4 hormone in the blood has substantial impact on the level of activity of many functions in the body. For this reason when level of T4 is higher than normal the person may feel more energetic, and when low less energetic. For example, low levels of T4 may cause normal body temperature to be lower than average.

Low or high level of T4 can be due to many different reasons. It is best to consult a medical practitioner for finding the exact reason and get advise on appropriate treatment. I believe once a proper treatment is started, this problem can be managed easily.

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